Easy way to speak English | INGLESISSIMO



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Do you still feel nervous about speaking English to others even though you've spent a long time studying English? Language learning offers the chance to brighten your world. Along with experiencing the beauty of other cultures and making it easier to communicate with people from around the globe, you'll also be improving your professional skill set. As the economy continues to move from a local to a global level, being multilingual will become even more of an asset.

There's an expression in English: Use it or lose it, which basically means if you don't practice an ability, you might forget it. This idea can be used to help you remember new English vocabulary. The best way to remember a new word is to use it right away so it will stay in your memory. When you learn a new word, try to say it in sentences a few times over the next week and you'll never forget it. This is an easy way to speak English and learn new words at the same time.

If you want to know how to speak English fluently, then first learn how to be a good listener. Fluency is often gained by listening to and then copying the language used by others. English has a wide variety of accents and regional forms so it is vital you work on your listening comprehension skills if you wish to understand native speech. To do this, try the following: watch current English TV series, films with subtitles , Youtube channels, etc. If you enjoy music, pick some of your favourite tracks, print off the lyrics, translate the meaning into your language and perhaps even sing along! You could also try listening to audiobooks and transcribing them on paper, then compare the original printed version with your transcript to see where you went wrong. Note down any new words and phrases you find useful.

You can't just listen without practicing. An easy way to speak Englishis to practice daily. To make it more appealing, practice speaking and writing English with a friend. You can also use Skype and video apps to practice speaking English with friends in other locations. Additionally, with the popularity of text messaging and emails, you can practice writing by messaging your friends in English.

Make sure to focus on all the skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This will give you more confidence. If you only know how to write and read, like some traditional teaching methods focus on, then you won't feel confident to speak English or when others are speaking.

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