User Profile: intuiter | INGLESISSIMO



About me: 
Realistically and modestly (seriously), I'm a world-class professional communicator. I can go to whatever level is needed to connect with other people; high-brow executive, and youthful new-hire manual laborer, doctorate degreed to high-school dropouts, and all levels in-between. My career has been working side-by-side with (teaching & consulting) all levels of professional-discipline personnel in 20 different industries. This includes many types of personalities. We've all managed to relate, connect and chat very well with each other. Even more, I've built teams from personnel at diverse levels by creating communication bridges. My foreign friends and students say that they completely understand our conversations. But that before me they had trouble connecting so well with their previous teachers, their English-speaking colleagues and acquaintances. My students also return to excitedly tell me, "My English worked after lessons! It doesn't work only in the classroom." They're surprised & pleased that they can and do communicate effectively in real life. It is a greatly gratifying reward for them and me. My focus is EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION; especially listening and speaking. I really enjoy helping English learners achieve that. (i.e., smart vocabulary, correct pronunciation, proper sentence structure, and good grammar when speaking & writing)
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Miembro durante
11 años 19 semanas