Learn at your own convenience! Find a few minutes before bed or on your way to work - anywhere works if you want to achieve your English-learning goals. The only thing you have to do is to find and attend the best English learning lessons for beginners.
In English learning lessons for beginners you will develop some proficiency in key areas of 'academic' grammar, learn about the stages in essay writing, and produce an essay of your own. You'll also explore how to organise an essay, write in an academic style, and use tools to evaluate your own writing and other learners' writing, so that by the end of the course you're able to write a good, basic academic essay.
Es ideal para ti si estas planeando mejorar tu inglés.
Los precios son para las clases en directo con profesores de inglés certificados en una comunidad privada de Facebook.
Si te gusta tu prueba de 7 días, puedes extender tu afiliación a 30 días.
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