Are you frustrated with your English study? Repeat all lessons many times. Repetition is the key to save new information in your long term memory. This is th best way to learn quickly how to speak English.
If you're translating every single word that you hear into your native language then you're really slowing your progress down. Instead, hone in on the words that you do understand and use all the contextual clues happening in the conversation, from gestures and facial expressions, through to any images or actions that are taking place at the same time.
Give yourself a reason for studying: do you want to get a promotion, be able to talk to your foreign colleagues, study abroad, or spend your next holiday in an English-speaking country? Set short-term as well as long-term goals, and keep track of your progress.
If you're curious how you can improve your spoken English quickly, then you can find some spoken English learned quickly websites that will help you learning by yourself without the need of a teacher.
First you will learn the basics of the language. Sample dialogues will help you speak the foreign language. Prior knowledge is not needed. Even advanced learners can refresh and reinforce their knowledge. You will learn frequently used sentences and can use them immediately. You will be able to communicate in multiple situations. Use your break or commute to learn English for a few minutes. You can learn when traveling and at home. You are on the go and can learn English anywhere.
The right attitude can make the difference between failure and success. Stop thinking of yourself as someone who is learning English, and start thinking of yourself as someone who speaks English. It's a small change, but it will make you feel more confident and help you to use the English you already know more effectively.
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