User Profile: michaelleonelli | INGLESISSIMO



About me: 
I have been teaching English as a foreign language for around 30 years. I opened my own school in Ravenna in 1982 and ran it successfully until 2008 when I sold it to the Benedict chain of English schools. During this time I trained as an oral examiner for the main suite of Cambridge ESOL exams and eventually became an Authorised Cambridge ESOL centre IT301 with a turnover of around 500 exams per year. We ran young learners, KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE and BEC exam courses as well as numerous offsite business courses for local companies. I also collaborated with the University of Bologna for a number of years specialising in online assessment of English and working with the Moodle platform for blended and distance learning. After leaving Italy I moved on to Saudi Arabia where I taught for a year in KIng Saud University before moving on to supervise English teachers in a private school in the same city and running courses of professional development in colloboration with the British Council of Riyadh. My 3 year contract with this school terminated at the end of June of this year and in July I went to Strasbourg to complete a CELTA course as, running my own operation in Ravenna, I had had no need of any formal TEFL qualifications. This year I have decided to stay home in the UK to study for my DELTA. As you can see I have extensive experience of both ELT management and hands-on teaching. I feel fully confident that I could handle any duties involving either EFL lecturing, teaching or administration that I might be required to carry out. Kind regards Michael Leonelli
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Member for
11 years 23 weeks