User Profile: carlos.gutierrez | INGLESISSIMO



About me: 
My desire is to help learners of English to acquire skills that they can use in everyday life. I’m very passionate about what I do and feel a great sense of accomplishment when my student reaching their goals. It's a strong belief of mine that a communicative approach in a fun and professional, yet relaxed environment is the best way to teach and learn a new language. Students need every day English that they can use in their jobs, traveling abroad, and recreation. I have taught more than 1000 hours inside a classroom and over 5000 online. Not only has the opportunity to teach different levels of English been granted to me, but I have taught TOEFL courses for more than two years at a University, which included creating lesson plans. The University also asked me to help teach a Teacher Training Course. Grading homework and tests and providing constructive yet positive feedback to students have been an important part of my curriculum for teaching English. I taught beginner to advanced using Pearson and MacMillan books, using these as a reference for progress tests and final exams. I also develop tests and create material for conversation classes.
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Member for
8 years 25 weeks